Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Jani says, "Dab a tiny drop of your perfume on his necktie. He'll think of you all day and wonder why."


  1. There is definite truth to this. Allen always says he likes when I hug him right after I put my perfume on because it reminds me of him while he is away from me. Once, when he was traveling, I sprayed one of might silk nighties with my perfume and tucked it in his suitcase... absence makes the heart fonder, right. Only I didn't think of the fact that all his clothes would pick up the scent. He never complained. Maybe he didn't notice. I did when I emptied his suitcase to wash his laundry. One must wonder if anyone else notice???

  2. What a pleasant thought. I am setting up a date for Bill to go with me to purchase perfume…he never like what I pick out.



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Art's Chili Pepper